Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Interview with Mr Tiger

1. First grade teacher's name:

2. Last word(s) you said:
Aha, test …

3. Last song you sang:
Milk and toast and honey by Roxette. I love sweet morning songs. Makes you feel happier despite the ever increasing workload at the bedside. (Its hard to left these in the college , I know duh..)

4. Last person you hugged:
Myself (some nervous breakdown and theres no one around to hug me..)

5. Last thing you laughed at:
My old diary entries (muahaha pathetic..) then the message from Amirul, he’s really a cracker! Finally the Ghosttown of Refrigerator District; need to buy some groceries .

6. At my brothers wedding:
I sang all along (the karaoke is mine!)

7. What's in your CD player:
Jason Mraz , the Blisscatcher

8. What's under your bed:
Books that fell off from the bed (hmm let see… The Black Book- Orhan Pamuk, Wild Mind – Natalie Goldberg)

9. What time did you wake up today:
1.32pm *blushes* cmon its my free day. But usually if I’m scheduled for flight, I wake up at 4.30am. *ehem*

10. Current taste:
flavourful cuisine, spicy and wild! The Thailand’s Tom Yam, Malaysian’s Laksa, Mee Rebus, Singapore’s Yong Tau Foo, Indonesia’s Nasi Ambang, Bakso, the list is endless.

11. Current hair:
shoulder length and layered ends. Hair parted sideways.

12. Current annoyance:
people who eats with his/her mouth open( the sound is unbearable)
The sounds of my own footstep when I’m walking with that naughty brown Mary Jane.
When I forget what to do in the cockpit.

13. Current hate:
People who don’t smile at all cost.
People who judge too soon.

14. Current favorite article of clothing:
French couture
Japanese Lolita
Trendy yet simple and comfortable, just like urban culture.

15. Favorite physical feature(s) of the opposite sex:
Symmetrical jaw…mmm

16. Favorite place to be:
in the glade! Feeling the running river..

17. Least favorite place:
where most toxic people are

18. If you could play an instrument what would it be:
acoustic guitar!

19. Current favorite word:

20. Favorite book:
The Last Great Dance on Earth by Sandra Gulland, Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, The Quran, there’s a LOT to list it here.

21. Favorite season:
Rainy Season?

22. Favorite day:
Friday. The freedom day.

23. Where do you want to go:
grab a Vespa and discovering the whole town!

24. What is your career going to be:
Pilot or maybe Instructor Pilot

25. How many kids do you want:
2 (twin, girls) So sweet to have two little princess by my side.

26. What kind of car will you have when u grow up?
Honda City. Classy (but if im richer I’ll go for Aston Martin :P)

27. Have you ever said "I love you" and meant it?

28. Have you ever gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish etc?
yea and he always won. Last time with a kitten and I ended up being given a piercing warning look by his mother. Oooo scary…

29. Have you ever been to NY?

30. Have you ever been to Hawaii?

31. Have you ever been to Mexico?

32. Have you ever been to Canada?

34. Have you ever dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?
Yea, one of them when I ate all the sushi party pack by myself in a dream and it happened the next day. Oops.

35. Have you ever wanted to be the opposite sex?
Once or twice . When the control handle in Cirrus SR20 is darn heavy.

36. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
A lot! (uhh.. this is getting more embarrassing)

37. Have you ever gotten sick:
A LOT , name it . Ive been admitted to hospital 4 times…

38. Have you ever said "I love you": yes

39. Have you ever wanted to tell someone you loved them:
Many times.

46. Do you have a crush on someone?
Many times ended up lonely.

48. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Take a deep breath, hug pillow tight.

49. Future daughters name(s):

50. Future sons name(s):

51. If you could have any job you wanted what would it be?
My job : Pilot

52. Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrous:

53. Do you do drugs?
Is prozac counts? I was …ahhh *slumps dreamily on the floor*

54. What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
Pantene(cant live without)

55. What clothes do you sleep in?
Whatever clothes I wear before sleep.Lol! ( I don’t believe in pyjamas)

56. Who was the last person who called you?
Mom (I’ll be back next weekend )

57. Where do you want to get married?
On a wooden altar, surrounded by tropical gardens…

58. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be?
Clumsiness, Ignorance

59. Are you timely or always late?
Depend on how in trouble I am if I am late

60. Do you have a job?
As a pilot trainee in Ipoh. Getting to fly makes my day now J

61. Do you like being around people?
Fun people yea. Toxic people yuck.

63. Want someone you don't have right now?
My best friend who is 200km away.

64. Are you lonely right now?
Quite yea.

67. What is your middle name?
Nabilah ( but most call it G.Lo)

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Honest, sensitive, original, deep, crazy

Have you ever had a moment that you knew what would happen next?
Sometimes , when a lucky draw contest, I know my name wouldn’t be mentioned.

How would a perfect date for you look like, where would you go?
Perfect is being honest and being himself although he is not perfect. Go to the his secret place and conversation for hours…

If you knew the world would be gone after tomorrow, what would you do tomorrow?
Laying to the green grass, staring at the blue sky and enjoying the wind.

What if you got stranded on an island all alone, what would you want to have with you?
My faith, my memories.

What do you love more, watching a sunrise or a sunset?
Sunrise with a hint of smell of the soil coming up from the earth.

Are you more a morning person or a night person?
If its holiday night person. If its College morning person

What would you rather get from the one you love, something expensive like a car or jewellery or a written poem?
A written poem

What makes your heart beat faster?
Call me lame, Im so into Love.

What takes your breath away?
Originality and honesty.

What makes you smile?
Watching Little Miss Sunshine over and over.

If you can choose one word to be written on your tombstone what would it be?

If you can be an animal what would you choose?

If you want to write a book, what is the title?
You Found Me.

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