Saturday, January 10, 2009

Vindicable measure in a flash

I was nowhere. I was so devastated with foul mark for my exams. At that time, it was dawn, before praying for Subuh, after taking cold bath. I felt so bad, so frustrated , so lost. I believe God is helping me but somehow I need some strenght to keep me in track. I lay on the bed with towel still wrapped around my hips. My blood ran slow and steady but I felt it ran like jolts of thunder and my breathing is too fast. I cant remember why I closed my eyes but this very moment really brought a big change in me:

It was dark. I cant think of anything. My mind is emptyafter tired thinking numerous problems.

"God is here to help you, no matter what. Help will come in second and you will not realize when it arrives. He is the most knowledgeable of all." A quote that sounds familiar. Ah, the Qur'an.

Whatever it is, i suddenly did something that i used to think its overrated - Praying without judgement or pre-assumption. Just pray.
I opened my eyes slowly to face the world again, and my eyes directly hit a simple phrase scribbled on the wall - NEVER LET THE SPIRIT DIE.
It was one of the biggest wonder of my life. Although it was simple and nobody knows, it makes me believe that u dont have to understand rocket science or getting a doctorate in any field of studies to be contented in life.

Actually this happened 4 years ago. And ive already encountered other simple yet significant things around my daily life that i wish to write it all here. So i will not forget it anymore.

I dont believe the most incredible stories in the world belongs to the most adventurous one, or made by the most influential people. But simple people like us. Who gone through daily life as a beautiful journey of its own. And who knows that what they have right now is much much more precious than things they long for. They are the most richest and contented person on earth.

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